Nosres for Media

Everything you need to know about how to refer to Nosres and

its products in the script of your next fictional or non-fictional content.

General Guidelines

Nosres is about logic, imagination, and creativity. We attach a lot of importance to our brand. So, please make sure you help us protect it by complying with our brand guidelines.

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Nosres Media Relations

For all other inquiries, please visit Nosres Contact page.

Brand Name


You should include a legal attribution line with a prominent disclaimer of affiliation where applicable when using our trademarks (including names, icons, etc.), for example, “Nosres is a trademark of Nosres Inc. and this article is not endorsed by or affiliated with Nosres in any way.”


The guiding principle of the media resources is simple — all content downloaded from the Site (photography, audio and video, etc.) may be used for editorial purposes only with credit: "Source: Nosres". Any other use of Site content including, without limitation personal or commercial use, is strictly prohibited.





Do not use Nosres trademarks for anything that would be antithetical to our Terms of Service. We may rescind permission to use our trademarks at any time. Nosres reserves the right to withhold approval of content that it considers inconsistent with the Nosres brand.