Nosres for the Republic

Getting the Republic back on track is a moral imperative. Consistent with such imperative, we engage in building a virtuous circle of entrepreneurship by focusing on education, discipline, and future orientation.

  • 30 January 2022 . Updated
  • Newsroom
Image credit: United States Army

It should be noted that, on the one hand, Nosres is neither political nor a republican movement. Nosres is a business. Our responsibility is to generate profit for our shareholders. However, such responsibility goes beyond making profits—we want to build a better world for ourselves and our community. We believe that our success and the well-being of our community are interdependent.

On the other hand, Nosres is not a charitable organization. While we will engage in some philanthropic work, our intention is to foster human dignity by creating good-paying jobs that empower our community.


Relationship Between Nosres and the Republic

The word republic derives from Latin respublica, from res ‘property, concern’ + publicus ‘of the people, public’. The Republic is the property of the people. This means it belongs to everyone regardless of their skin color, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and their political affiliation, to name a few.

The Republic is facing a myriad of problems, which stem from our irresponsibility. To illustrate, people in the Republic are caught in a vicious circle of illiteracy and unemployment, leading to social causes of crime and delinquency. This is detrimental to the well-being of our society. We should acknowledge our past mistakes and search for our identity. As the Greek philosopher and polymath Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

Indubitably, the Republic has jumped the track. We have long been on the wrong side of the track. Now, we are far behind in terms of mobility, technology, science, etc. Stagnation is no longer an option. We should engage in the quest for restoring the Republic. Let us not give up on ourselves. We owe a great debt of thanks to the international community that has been supportive of us. It is now time for development. The first imperative is to create more businesses. In most countries, small businesses constitute the backbone of the economy. As businesses create better-paying jobs and increase productivity and growth, more people will become financially stable and live in dignity. This is highly beneficial to the Republic.


Suggestions to a Return to First Principles

To build a virtuous circle of entrepreneurship and rebuild the Republic from the ground up, we need to start over and go right back to first principles. However, it is of the utmost importance that we define our own first principles. They are as follows.

We will develop a first-rate education system. Script was invented over five thousand years ago. Undeniably, this invention has changed the course of human history. With a stroke and a circle, we can build an entire library. Imagine that!

Education is essential to the development of a nation. Thus, the most intelligent nations on Earth attach a great of importance to it. They spend a significant part of their GDP on education, knowing that the latter is the cornerstone of society.

Investments in education are essential for the future of our society. Therefore, we suggest generalizing an elite education. This means all levels of education (from primary to tertiary) should be available and accessible to all.

Furthermore, our schools should be based on the fundamental principle that each child should develop their full potential. We can only reach that goal if we create a high-quality education system. We will also need toadopt an education system that emphasizes creativity and problem solving.

Thinking enables our natural abilities such as logic and imagination that are crucial for great achievements. Albert Einstein reckoned that “Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere”—suggesting that both hemispheres of our brain are extremely important.

Moreover, thinking enables us to develop common sense. In his famous book “Discourse on Method” (Discours de la méthode), French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist René Descartes argued that common sense is the most fairly distributed thing in the world. This shows that all men and women, as far as common sense is concerned, are universally equal because common sense is reason. Reason is the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, and right from wrong on a moral basis.

Therefore, education spares society many evils, and it is the panacea for the country’s social, political and economic problems.

We will always maintain discipline among us. About two thousand years ago, the Romans have built one the most successful empires in history. The Roman Empire was so powerful that a Roman citizen could fearlessly travel across the globe. It was said that protection was offered for anyone who proclaimed, ‘Civis romanus sum.’ – ‘I am a Roman citizen.’

No one would have dared hurt a Roman citizen because of their fear of the Roman army, which was the most lethal army at that time. The Roman army was so effective that they had vanquished armies that had outnumbered them by ten to one.

Many classical writers spent time assessing the Roman army. They found that not only were the Roman soldiers equipped with the most innovative weapons and tactics, but they were also well-disciplined.

It is obvious to everyone that we are cognitively incapable owing to our ineptitude to unite and build our nation. Building a nation requires discipline. Thus, if we cannot discipline ourselves, our society will never be able to function properly. Simply put, our society will be doomed to failure in perpetuity.

We will start thinking about the future. Sixty years ago, President Kennedy in his legendary “Moon Speech” at Rice University on the Nation’s Space Effort said: “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things ….” Interestingly, the rockets to go to outer space were not even designed at the time he was delivering the speech.

However, over seven years later, the Americans have accomplished one of the most significant adventures of the humankind. They landed a man on the Moon and returned him safely to the Earth.

This illustration highlights the fact that determination and future orientation enable countries to accomplish achievements that were deemed to be impossible. Therefore, we believe that the we can raise the Republic from the ashes if we draw on these values.

Nonetheless, we need to reinvent ourselves. We have to think. As René Descartes put it, “Cogito ergo sum.”—meaning “I think, therefore I am.”

The time has come to choose our destiny and change ourselves. As we engage in this journey, we can plan and shape our future. Let us leave our comfort zone. As the Chinese philosopher and writer Lao Tzu said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”


It is Now Your Turn

It is imperative to act now before the problems become more serious. What we propose might be challenging, but it is not impossible. As the saying goes, “United we stand, divided we fall.”

Let us unite for peace and against division. Let us support each other in opening up new horizons. Let us live and work together in harmony to rebuild the Republic from the ground up, as well as the foundations for future generations to follow.

If you share our convictions, please visit our corporate website for more information about Nosres.


God bless the Republic, God bless Haiti!


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